Thursday, December 22, 2005

Physicians, the Internet and new opportunities for medical writers in Europe

A feature on the increasing use of internet by European physicians. A factor likely to develop the demand for medical and scientific online journalists and web editors. First published in Infocity - December 2005.

65% of physicians in Europe consider internet an essential tool for their activity. This is one of the results of Taking the Pulse Europe v5.0, a research which was presented in New York on December 8th, and conducted by Manhattan Research, a research company specialised in exploring synergies between medicine and the web. The study was directed at physicians in various fields of specialization, in the UK, Germany, France, Spain and Italy.

Photo courtesy of Tanya Harding

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Technological Talk Shows. Tim's Primo TV launches //Digitalk - Talk-show tecnologici. Primo Tv di Tim lancia "//Digitalk"

A webtv and digital television feature on the launch of a new format on Italian mobile tv. First published on Infocity - December 2005.

INCIPIT //Digitalk, the programme on digital technology created by Marco Camisani Calzolari, and already broadcasted on E-TV (Sky platform) and on video streaming on will soon be broadcasted on PRIMO TV as well, as an on demand format offered by TIM mobile network.
The above mentioned expansion of the format to mobile tv is a natural step in the light of the sinergies existing bewteen mobile tv and the themes covered during the talk show. It is the result of a partnership signed on december 6th between E-TV and Kelyan Lab - a participated
company of Franco Bernabè' s group and of The Global Mouse (an investment fund in which Telecom Italia is also a participant). ...

Friday, December 09, 2005

Blogs- press office's new frontier - I blog – la nuova frontiera dei comunicati stampa

Another feature on the use of blogs to publish press releases. This time with particular attention to Fabrizio Pivari's service, which was the first of the kind to be introduced in Italy. Published on Briciole di Internet Marketing and on Mr. Webmaster - December 2005.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Instant messaging, blogs and journalism

A feature on the results of a recent research conducted by EURO RSCG Magnet in collaboration with Columbia University. The research focused on the use of instant messaging and blogs by US journalist in the time of low credibility of corporate communication after scandals such as Enron. First published in Infocity - December 2005.

Da una recente ricerca di Euro RSCG Magnet in collaborazione con la Columbia University, sono emersi degli interessanti atteggiamenti da parte dei giornalisti statunitensi nei confronti di messaggeria istantanea e blog. E anche qualche consiglio per le aziende.

Il panel dei giornalisti intervistati (tutti facenti parte della Bacon’s Media Map) includeva soprattutto giornalisti della carta stampata (77%), contro solo l’8% di giornalisti online.

Cresce in modo rilevante l’utilizzo di messaggi istantanei, passando dal 38% di novembre del 2003 al 53% di aprile del 2005. L’utilizzo per motivi personali rimane quello principale, ma una buona fetta dei giornalisti (65%) dichiara di utilizzarli anche per comunicazioni professionali mentre non sembra decollare l’utilizzo di Msn & company per effettuare interviste.
Photo Courtesy of