Monday, November 28, 2005

Using blogs to publish a press release - Utilizzare i blog per pubblicare i comunicati stampa

A feature on free services offered to small and large companies in need of publishing their press realeases, using blogs. First published in Infocity - November 2005.

INCIPIT The number of companies using blogs to publish a press release is increasing. The main advantage lies in the ease of adding a news by different people in the same company, withount any particular training. More importantly, blogs make it possible for the news to be easily accessible via search engines such as Google, and throuhg XML feeds.
Recently, a new information channel is being developed in Italy too, namely that of "container blogs" open to every firm or communication pro who can, through the simple structure of a blog, publish their own news.

Photo courtesy of

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

In the era of internet, do companies still need trade fairs to make business?

A feature on the sinergies between email marketing and traditional trade fairs as a business tool. First published in Infocity - November 2005.

Trade fairs have always been an important marketing and commercial tool. Based on the possibility to meet potential customers personally and on concentrating business people operating within one sector in the same place and at the same time, have they perhaps lost in importance in an era in which virtual communication is common practice?
Nowadays, Italy's trade fair sector is particularly developed, with over 1.000 trade fairs of which 195 international fairs, 422 national ones, and 113 regional. This data means that Italy is in fact second only to Germany in the world trade fair market.

Photo courtesy of
Thorsten Epping

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Wine and quality in the Castelli Romani area - Vino e qualità nei Castelli Romani

A feature on the rediscovered quality in wine from the Castelli Romani area. First published in Vivavoce - Novembre 2005.

Wine from the Castelli Romani area has always been famous worldwide, but why? Mentioned by Grand Tour writers who visited this area, appreciated by Roman tourists who come here for a day-trip and by foreigners who enjoy the goliardic atmosphere of the fraschette, wine in the Castelli Romani can boast a fame which goes back in the centuries. A fame which is sadly linked not to excellent quality but to being an easy drink, perfectly suitable for a light hearted night out, often, but not always, the beginning of headaches from out of hell.

Photo courtesy of
Tamás Mezei